Comparing electricity deals is not easy – especially when many companies offer cashback deals or multiple discounts that make it difficult to calculate which deal will leave you better off in the long run. 

However, help is at hand! There are two free independent websites to help you find out if you’re on the best electricity deal for your household – or if you could do better. runs the numbers and compares the plans and annual savings available to you. tells you how much you could save annually by switching. It's role is to encourage people to check that they’re on a good deal for their household.

Here’s a brief overview of how they work: 

This website is run by the non-profit organisation Consumer NZ. It provides an estimate of the annual price you would pay for different power company plans available in your area, ranked from cheapest to most expensive. 

The estimates are based on information you enter into their comparison tool and includes discounts (for example, some companies will offer a discount if you choose to pay online).

The plan description and rates are provided by individual power companies to the Powerswitch team.

To use the tool you’ll first need to grab a recent power bill, then fill in an online questionnaire about your household size, how you currently use electricity (e.g. what type of heating you have), your current supplier and what your last bill cost you.

  • Run by the not-for-profit Consumer NZ.
  • The comprehensive questionnaire means you’ll have a better chance of finding the plan that’s right for you.
  • The website will pop up with an information box to make sure you understand a certain type of plan
  • Filling in the questionnaire requires a bit of information gathering, for example, it asks when your hot water cylinder was installed.

The Electricity Authority (the electricity market regulator) is behind

This website is designed to give you an idea of how much you could save annually by switching power companies or to a different plan from the same company. 

What’s My Number requires you to just answer 6 simple questions- no bill required. After displaying the dollar amount, you’ll then be directed to the Powerswitch website where you can fill in the detailed questionnaire to bring up the list of potential plans to help you save. (the dollar amounts given by What’s my number are generated from Powerswitch calculations).

How does Electric Kiwi rank?

Electric Kiwi is currently near or at the top of the rankings for many household categories on the Powerswitch rankings. 

The annual estimated prices for Electric Kiwi are based on our customers saving 9% of their daily electricity costs during their free Hour of Power, the average Hour of Power savings our customers are achieving. However, shifting more of your daily electricity use into your selected free hour of electricity will increase these savings further. 

You can also check how much you're estimated to save in your first year with Electric Kiwi compared to your old power company with our easy to use savings calculator

Find out more about Electric Kiwi’s free Hour of Power here